Discover what colleges and potential employers are learning about your “online reputation” through social media and how you can create a positive online reputation.
For many high school students, the Internet is a virtual playground. A place to connect with friends, explore interests, and even study for school. About 1/3 of students report that they’re
constantly connected to Facebook, and social media outlets including Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter capture more teen users every day. Some students are sharing large parts of their lives online, from their weekend plans to photos of their latest lunch. Right now, it may seem like you’re just chatting with friends, but what you’re really doing is laying the foundation for your online reputation.
Much of the content you’re sharing online is available worldwide to anyone with an Internet connection, and thanks to tools like
caching and the
Wayback Machine, they are likely to be permanent, creating a digital trail that can last a lifetime. That means embarrassing high school moments or lapses in judgment are no longer forgotten with time: they’re preserved online for the world to access, quite possibly forever.
If the digital footprint you’re building now may last a lifetime, consider this: is it one you’ll be proud to share for the rest of your life? In more immediate terms, is your online persona one you’re willing to share with college admissions officers or future employers? If the answer is no, don’t panic. You’re not alone. Better yet, be prepared: there are steps you can take to build a positive online reputation while you’re still in high school.
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