The Bentworth School District developed a full day kindergarten program beginning in the 2009-2010 school year. The philosophy of developing a full day kindergarten is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to develop their cognitive skills while increasing their social competence. Bentworth follows the PA Core Standards and provides scientifically researched based instruction in both reading and math.
Students register for kindergarten in the spring prior to beginning in the fall. During registration students are screened for their basic knowledge of colors, shapes, numbers, letters,(upper and lower case), rote counting and one to one correspondence. It is expected that before students enter kindergarten they are able to complete these basic tasks.
Once in kindergarten students are given a full day of academics as well as special area classes such as library, music, art, computers and gym. All kindergarten students are assessed multiple times each year to determine their progress.
Bentworth uses a standard based report card. Grade level learning objectives the child will need to master for the current nine weeks are sent home at the beginning of each nine week period. The specific skills the child will be expected to learn are identified. On the report card, parents will learn whether or not their child has Mastered the skill, has Developed the skill, but has yet to master, is Emerging in the skill or is Below the standard required. Perhaps most importantly, parents learn exactly how their child is doing based on the standards.